Tuesday, December 22, 2009

That's a Relief

Fear, ignorance, illusion, deception--all these things diminish the quality of our lives. Alone, or compounded together, or experienced in serial fashion, any one of them can make us feel something that is not genuine. Worse, they can prompt us to actions that are destructive, hurtful, stupid or wasteful. It is better to combat these forces through inquiry, dialog, reflection and learning than to subject ourselves to them. It is better to know. In truth, it is a relief to know.

I am subject to all these things from time to time. Sometimes I replace one with another or go back and forth. Sometimes the truth has a hard time getting in or staying. Still, looking for the truth is something we do for the sake of the truth. Not simply to be "right," but to live well. When and if I blog here it will be to seek or share some relief that comes from the truth.